Browser security for business data

October 28th, 2019

The internet isn’t for the naive. It’s a wild place populated by dangerous creatures like malware, scams, and hackers. And as any business owner today would know, data is everything. If you or your employees browse the net unprotected, this valuable resource is threatened by cyberattacks.

Boost online security with browser extensions

May 14th, 2019

Protecting yourself, your employees, and your business when you’re using the internet is necessary if you want to remain safe, productive, and profitable. Given the proliferation of phishing attacks, hacks, and online fraud, we all need to ramp up our online security measures.

3 ways to browse the net safely at work

November 7th, 2018

Amidst the current climate of malware, hacks, and phishing scams, the internet really isn't safe for any company that doesn't take precautions. Without safeguards, browsers that you or your employees use are vulnerable to cyber attacks that may cripple productivity and profit.